Training & Coaching

Want to learn the tricks of the trade? You need someone that knows what they’re doing to show you the way. With Beready we offer a specific expertise in training and coaching. We make sure you are always thoroughly prepared: on camera, during a crisis, on stage, during an interview or on social media. Each training is fully tailor-made in Dutch, English or French.

Every year, we coach more than 100 business leaders, governments, policymakers, spokespeople and organisations. And we don’t do this using a standard approach. On the contrary, each training course is fully customised. We immerse ourselves in your sector or your professional field. A training course specifically tailored to your needs and wishes produces the best results. Our trainers are all respected experts who have worked as spokespeople or for television news themselves.

We also support you in your search for a new spokesperson or communications manager and help you map out the recruitment process in order to find that perfect match for you. Would you like to hear all about our tailor-made training courses? Feel free to reach out to us.

Which tailor-made training courses do we offer?

  • Camera training
  • Media training
  • Personal branding
  • Public speaking training
  • Presentation techniques
  • Social media
  • Crisis communication
  • Writing press releases
  • How to get into the news?
  • Coaching spokespersons
  • Selection and coaching of spokespersons or communication officers

Our offer

Pitchen, persberichten en persmomenten

Effectief nieuws naar buiten brengen

Wanneer je nieuws over je organisatie naar buiten wil brengen, denk je best niet alleen na over welke boodschap je naar buiten wil brengen maar ook op welke manier je dat gaat doen: kies je voor een persbericht, een statement, een persconferentie,..? In deze sessie leer je hoe je nieuws naar buiten kan brengen